The joy of unity, creating dungeons
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The joy of unity, creating dungeons. Creating dungeons in unity..
Hello and welcome! The purpose of this course is to create amazing dungeons in unity. We willbe using Dungen and multistory dungeons from the unity asset store. These two assets are not cheap. Dungen will provide us with complex procedural generation. Multistory dungeons will provide us with a basic tileset that seamlessly integrates into dungen. Both these assets will save us months of work.
We will start with the basics and see how far we can take dungeon design.
We will be looking at games history to see examples of outstanding games design and dungeon design.
We will be covering design concepts to use in dungeons which will be taken from pen and paper genres like dungeons and dragons
I hope you will join me in an exciting deep delve to become a digital dungeon master
4overview of course
5Pillage the free stuff in unity! asset store dungeon crawler list
list of free assets! apart from playmaker
6anyrpg free at the moment.
check out anyrpg free game engine for unity
tutorial on making a dungeon
7Quick look at dungen and multistory dungeons
8honourable mention for the future, dungeon architect
9make your fantasy game lite free asset
10a quick look at dungeons 2, and neverwinters night enhanced edition
a look at two games that provide some insight into designing dungeons.
dungeons 2 and neverwinters nights enhanced edition.
11dungen online 2d generator
12Dungeon Fortress, example of a living breathing dungeron
13dungeons 3 and dungeons design ideas.
14Unity learn, 3D Game Kit Lite, 3D Beginner: Complete Project
15Introducing Atavism MMO engine
16Unity 2020 summer sale fantasy dungeons
17Campaign Cartographer and dunjon
18setting up unity 2020 lts
using the unity hub to install unity 2020 LTS, also get hold of atom and notepad ++
check this link for more help
19setting up unity 2020 lts in more detail
check this link for more help
20setting up atom to work with unity instead of microsoft student developer
21creating a new project simpletimer1
22simpletimer1 script with escape functionality
23how to use and import resources / packages in unity
how to unzip and import packages into unity.
32September 2020 quickstart guide1
33September 2020 quickstart guide1b bigger rooms and corridors
34quick look at dungeon crawler example in dungen
35first steps with dungen
36first dungeon with dungen!
37dungeon plus basic corridors
38adding basic stairs
39adding spiral stairs
40adding crude spiral handrail
58hook shot grapple gun for unity and invector lite
59importing hook shot mk 5 into project
60detailed code hack of invector lite
// put this into invector controller script
// it switches off and on HookShot
// remember to watch capitalisation of H and S in HookShot
protected virtual void HookInput()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(jumpInput))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(strafeInput))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(sprintInput))
//if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.P))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S))
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
70a video watchlist about dungeon design principles. please watch these videos.
basic design principles of dungeon design
john staats interview the world of warcraft diary.
asmongold 2005 dungeon design and wow
2005 Raid panel video
why were vanilla dungeons so long?
brd greatest dungeon
The story of OG doom development
71a sneak peak of dungeon architect demo scene... for future reference.
72Deeper look at "make your first fantasy game" dungeon pack