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4.45 out of 5
39 reviews on Udemy

Learn Advanced Formulas and Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Intermediate to Advanced Level Tools
Abraham Eninla
946 students enrolled
English [Auto]
Working with SUM, COUNT, MAX and MIN Functions
Understand the POWER of SUMIF, SUMIFS, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH for Data and Financial Analysis
Understand the Power of Data Analysis using Microsoft Excel Master how to use PIVOT TABLE and PIVOT CHART to create Dynamic Reports and Charts
Working with Images (Pictures, Shapes, Screenshots and Smart Art objects) in Excel
Using SUB TOTAL tool for creating Subtotals Calculation for grouped Items
Working with Charts (Column, Pie, Bar, Line Chart and lot more. Editing Charts and working on Chart Designs
Understand how to handle Large Data, Manipulate, Summarized and Generate Reports
Understanding Project Evaluation Techniques using Financial Functions (PV, FV, NPV & IRR)
Creating Sensitivity Analysis using the What-If-Analysis Tools (Goal Seek, Data Table, Solver and Scenarios)
Working with Logical Functions (IF, AND & OR and NESTING the IF Functions)
Combining Periodic or Regional Report using Data Consolidation Tool
Validating and Ensuring data entry correctness using the Data Validation Tools and Rules
Creating a Simple Dashboard for Data Presentation
Creating Links to Worksheets and external files using the Hyperlink Tool
Working with Spark line Chart tool for In-Cell Data Analysis and Presentation
Introduction to Excel Macros and VBA Automation (Macros Recording, codes, User Form creation, VBA Controls and Objects)
Case Study: Creating Income & Balance Statements from Raw data & Consolidating yearly reports.
Working with Names and using names in Formulas
Working with ranges and creating Tables from range of data
Understanding data protection in Excel
Using the Collaboration tools (Comments & Workbook sharing)
Working with Financial Function - PMT, PPMT & IPMT
Working with SORTING, FILTERING (AutoFilter, CustomFilter etc), and Conditional Formatting Tool.
Working with External Data (Learn how to input Text File and Data Table from Web into Excel)
Working with Excel In-built Data Entry Form
Performing Calculations and consolidating worksheets using 3D Formulas and Functions

The Microsoft Excel course exposes students to all available tools, commands, and Functions in the application. The training is carefully structured to take care of the learning needs of students, who are really yearning to know how to use Excel to carry out tasks in their workplaces. The course is also prepared to help regular users of the application, who want to upgrade their knowledge and upskill.

The Intermediate topics capture the most frequently used command for day to day tasks. The Advanced level is also to help students learn the most advanced formulas, functions, and Tools. The advanced Excel training course builds on the intermediate course and is designed specifically for spreadsheet users who are already proficient and looking to take their skills to an advanced level.

The advanced excel tutorial will help you start a career in the area of data and financial analysis especially in the following fields; investment banking, private equity, corporate development, and equity research. By watching the instructor build all the formulas and functions right on your screen, you can easily pause, replay, and repeat exercises until you have mastered them.

You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
4.5 out of 5
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13 hours on-demand video
Certificate of Completion